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Discuss the benefits of working with parents in the education of their children with special needs.

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Discuss the benefits of working with parents in the education of their children with special needs.

1 Answer

Researchers have evidence for the positive effects of parental involvement on children, families, and school when schools and parents continuously support and encourage the children's learning and development. According to Henderson and Berla (1994), "the most accurate predictor of a student's achievement in school is not income or social status but the extent to which that student's family is able to:

  1. Create a home environment that encourages learning.
  2. Express high (but not unrealistic) expectations for their children's achievement and future careers.
  • Become involved in their children's education at school and in the community, (p. 160).

Henderson and Berla (1994) reviewed and analyzed eighty-five studies that documented the comprehensive benefits of parent involvement in children's education. This and other studies show that parent involvement activities that are effectively planned and well implemented result in substantial benefits to children, parents, educators, and the school. They pointed out that benefits are likely to accrue to the pupils, their parents and the schools.

Benefits for the Children

  • Parental involvement results in improved academic performance. Children tend to achieve more, regardless of ethnic or racial background, socio-economic status, or parents' education level. It is argued that if children realize that their parents are interested and actively involved in their school work, they become motivated and work hard so as not to disappoint their parents.
  • Parental involvement provides continuity in the learners’ education. If parents are involved, the learner does not experience a break during weekends and holidays. As such, children consistently complete their homework.
  • The collaboration of the school and the home in the education of a child usually yields better results and behavior of a child. Children have better self-esteem, are more self-disciplined, and show higher aspirations and motivation toward school. Children's positive attitude about school often results in improved behavior in school and       less suspension for disciplinary reasons.
  • Fewer children are being placed in special education and remedial classes.
  • Children from diverse cultural backgrounds tend to do better when parents and professionals work together to bridge the gap between the culture at home and the culture in school.
  • Junior high and high school students whose parents remain involved usually make better transitions and are less likely to drop out of school.

Benefits for the Parents

  • Parental involvement enhances quality education as their involvement will motivate children to work hard and also work together with the school to achieve organizational goals.
  • If parents are actively involved in the education of their children, they will become aware of the problems that their children face. Parents will know the children’s strengths and weaknesses. If weaknesses are identified at early stage, Parents will have an idea of the school subjects which give their children challenges. If there is need for extra lessons and procurement of more resource material, these interventions can be rolled out early in the child’s school life, as compared to a situation where parents do not know what will be taking place at school.
  • Parents increase their interaction and discussion with their children and are more responsive and sensitive to their children's social, emotional, and intellectual developmental needs.
  • Parents are more confident in their parenting and decision-making skills.
  • As parents gain more knowledge of child development, there is more use of affection and positive reinforcement and less punishment on their children.
  • Parents have a better understanding of the teacher's job and school curriculum.
  • When parents are aware of what their children are learning, they are more likely to help when they are requested by teachers to become more involved in their children's learning activities at home.
  • Parents' perceptions of the school are improved and there are stronger ties and commitment to the school.
  • Parents are more aware of, and become more active regarding, policies that affect their children's education when parents are requested by school to be part of the decision-making team.

Benefits for the Educators

  • When schools have a high percentage of involved parents in and out of schools, teachers and principals are more likely to experience higher morale.
  • Teachers and principals often earn greater respect for their profession from the parents.
  • Consistent parent involvement leads to improved communication and relations between parents, teachers, and administrators.
  • Teachers and principals acquire a better understanding of families' cultures and diversity, and they form deeper respect for parents' abilities and time.
  • Teachers and principals report an increase in job satisfaction.

Benefits for the School

  • Schools that actively involve parents and the community tend to establish better reputations in the community.
  • Schools also experience better community support.
  • School programs that encourage and involve parents usually do better and have higher quality programs than programs that do not involve parents
  • Parents will more often than not respond positively to requests to assist in developing the school, in situations where they are actively involved.
  • Parents who are actively involved in their children’s education are aware of the schools’ shortcomings in terms of educational resources. Such parents are more willing to source for extra resources, for example reading materials to augment what schools have.

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