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1 Great Way to Find a job no experience!
IntroductionThe job today is something that everyone cries for. However, with the advent of the information age, it gets easier and easier to find a
Zambian Secondary School Science Syllabus G10-12
This is the Zambian Secondary School Science Syllabus, 2013 version produced by the Zambian Curriculum Development Centre (CDC). This syllabus has been uploaded to help
Here are 2 Best Study Techniques for exams
Study techniques for students relevance can be easily understood if we recall the effects of academic performance on learners’ self-esteem and self-concept. People have different
Self-esteem and self-concept: 4 Amazing Facts
The Math of Music: How Notes and Numbers Connect 🎵
In this exploration of the math of music, we will delve into how notes and numbers connect, revealing the underlying mathematical principles that shape the melodies and harmonies we cherish.
This post aims to demonstrate and explain the properties and effects of static electricity, shedding light on its significance and implications for everyday life and
Electric Discharge. How does it work?
Many of the everyday effects of electrostatics involve a charged object losing its charge and being neutralised. This is called: electric discharge. Some common examples