7 classical Simple Machines – Physics 10
About Course
At the end of this chapter you should be able to:
- Describe what a simple machine is
- Identify the different types of simple machines.
- Describe the distances moved by the effort and the loadLoad or the Resistance force (in physics), is the force that... in a simple machine
- Explain the terms of Mechanical advantageMechanical advantage (MA) is the ratio of the force exerted ... (MA), Velocity RatioVelocity ratio (VR) is the ratio of the distance moved by ef... (VR) and Efficiency.
- Perform calculations involving simple machines
Definition of Simple Machine
Simple machines are mechanical tools that make workWork is The transfer of energy from one physical system to a... More easier. They have few or no moving parts. These machines use energy to work. The following are the most familiar simple machine used in everyday life
It uses a single applied forceIn physics, a force is any influence that causes a free body... to do work against a single loadLoad or the Resistance force (in physics), is the force that... forceIn physics, a force is any influence that causes a free body.... Ignoring friction losses, the workWork is The transfer of energy from one physical system to a... More done on the loadLoad or the Resistance force (in physics), is the force that... is equal to the workWork is The transfer of energy from one physical system to a... More done by the applied forceIn physics, a force is any influence that causes a free body....
They can be used to increase the amount of the output forceIn physics, a force is any influence that causes a free body..., at the cost of a proportional decrease in the distance moved by the loadLoad or the Resistance force (in physics), is the force that.... The ratio of the output to the input forceIn physics, a force is any influence that causes a free body... is called the mechanical advantageMechanical advantage (MA) is the ratio of the force exerted ....
Usually the term refers to the six classical simple machines which were defined by Renaissance scientists: Lever, Wheel and axle, Pulley, Inclined plane, Wedge and Screw.
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