About Course
This is an important course, covering four topics, namely: mass and weight, volume and density. At the end of this course you are expected to acquire the following skills:
- Distinguish mass from weight
- Demonstrate how to measure these two quantities
- Demonstrate how to locate the centre of mass of an object
- Describe qualitatively the effect of the position of the centre of mass on the stability of an object.
- Determine the density of floating objects
- Determine the density of a mixture of liquids
- Calculate relative density of air
The concept Mass is so basic that, like length or time, it is really impossible to define. Isaac NewtonIsaac Newton was born in 1642, the year Galileo died. Almos... called it the quantity of matter. The weight of an object on the other hand, is the forceIn physics, a force is any influence that causes a free body... with which the earth pulls on the object.
Volume can be defined as the amount of space occupied by an object. Volume is measured in Cubic metre (m3) or cubic centimetres (cm3). The volume of a liquid is commonly expressed in litres (l). A litre is a sub-unit of cubic metre (m3). Density is the measure of how close the particles making a substance are close to one another.
Mass and weight, volume and density are the other physical quantities that you need to use from time to time in your grade ten physicsPhysics (from Greek: physis "nature") is a natural science ... going beyond. You will also need the calculation of these four quantities or related skills in some other subjects you take in your programme.
Course Content
Draft Lesson