Social Development


In this article we focus on the concept of growth and development as an approach that is sometimes erroneously associated…

2 years ago

Capital Accumulation and Balanced Growth

Capital accumulation and formation remains at a very low level. As fore, remain low. On the supply side, the low…

2 years ago

Unbalanced Growth and income Distribution

Hirschman stressed his point by saying that if a country were ready to apply the doctrine of unbalanced growth, then…

2 years ago

The Growth Pole Theory

Growth pole is the concentration of technically advanced industries that stimulate economic development in associated businesses and industries.

2 years ago

Modernization and Stages of Growth

Lewis and Rostow both focused on rising per capita income as the central measure of growth; they conceived of economic…

2 years ago

Patterns of Development and Obstacles to Growth

This is a debate on the basic structure of the development process and on the most important sources of and…

2 years ago

Artistic Code Creation

Many things do not just happen but are caused. You will now use the information for code creation. By codes…

2 years ago

The Research Process in Theatre For Development

The research process of theatre for development involves to varying degrees, seven steps. Though they look like steps following a…

2 years ago

International Workshops on the Theatre for Development (TFD)

The growth of TFD worldwide and in Africa has followed a pattern that began with international workshops followed by a…

2 years ago

The academia Response to Conflicts

The agendas and priorities of the academia in their response to conflict can be seen through the development and application…

2 years ago

Corporations Response to the conflicts

In many ways, it can be said that the Corporations Response to the conflicts in Africa has not necessarily been…

2 years ago

The major Actors of Conflicts

Once a conflict is 'chosen' as being important and requiring attention and resources, other actors jump on in a sort…

2 years ago