Environmental Education

Global warming and the Greenhouse effect

The greenhouse effect refers to heat trapping action of the atmosphere caused by atmospheric gases and results in the general…

3 years ago

Animals’ self protection tricks from their enemies

Animals use their self protection instinct to save themselves from danger. To do this, they adopt their innate mechanisms of self-protection…

3 years ago

10 Major Threats to wildlife

 Living organisms face a constant barrage of external stresses or threats to  the wildlife that challenge their ability to survive and reproduce

3 years ago

3 Major Types of Weathering and Soil Profile

Introduction We tend to think of the landscape as unchanging. However, it is slowly and continuously being reshaped. Usually, this…

3 years ago

5 Major Elements of the Water Cycle

The water cycle is The natural cycle of evaporation of water and subsequent condensation and precipitation as rain and snow,…

3 years ago