Many things do not just happen but are caused. You will now use the information for code creation. By codes…
The research process of theatre for development involves to varying degrees, seven steps. Though they look like steps following a…
Conflicts can be defined as a form of disagreement or antagonism between two or more parts, which may be individuals,…
This article will provide you with a somewhat generalised overview of how the conflict in Africa is seen by those…
Agenda-setting refers to the process by which certain influential groups in society decide which issues are important to them and…
Gender is a very important element in analysis if one takes into account its role. In this post we discuss…
The article defines the availability of food, accessibility to food, affordability of food and the utilisation of food as the four pillars of food security.
Vulnerability assessment is very important in profiling households. It allows us to separate households between those that are secure and…
Addressing food insecurity requires the designing and implementation of interventions which are appropriate to particular causes of food insecurity.
The exchange relations and the network were described by Frank as a pyramidal structure with metropoles and satellites.