
Rites of Passage of Life in African Traditions

There are many stages that a man has to pass in life. The rituals associated with each one of them…

3 years ago

Divinities in African Traditional Religion

Divinities are gods who emanated from Supreme Deity. They have attributes of the Supreme Being and are in essence His…

3 years ago

Causes and effects of evil in African Traditional Belief

Arising from the corporate nature of Zambian communities that were held together by a web of kinship relationships and other…

3 years ago

Witchcraft and Sorcery in African Tradition

To most Africans, witchcraft is an ugly reality. Witches are believed to be people with inherent power. Although some witches…

3 years ago

Magic and Medicine in African Tradition

Definition Magic is a ritual activity which influences human or natural events through access to an external mystical force. Thus, magic influence…

3 years ago

Global Conflict Trends and the Nature of Conflicts

Conflicts can be defined as a form of disagreement or antagonism between two or more parts, which may be individuals,…

3 years ago


This article will provide you with a somewhat generalised overview of how the conflict in Africa is seen by those…

3 years ago

Priest and Priesthood in African Society

The priest is the mediator between man and the gods (God). These are ministers in the temples, shrines, sacred groves…

3 years ago

The agenda-setting Process against conflicts

Agenda-setting refers to the process by which certain influential groups in society decide which issues are important to them and…

3 years ago

Measures against conflicts

regardless of what these actors consider as important, the question remains, what measures against conflicts can different actors actually take…

3 years ago

Decision-making in Conflicts resolution

We have seen in the previous topic trends suggesting that policymakers outside the continent attach a low priority to conflicts…

3 years ago


Measures may be taken in response to conflict, but they almost invariably fall terribly short in terms of the scale…

3 years ago